After the rain, went to the roof to witness the beautiful scene. The sky was soft, washed and charming. Though I was not expecting the sunset due to rain,  but suddenly saw the sun, slowly sinking with grace…wet, soothing and appealing like a innocent baby.

My  tiredness, sadness, anger, all vanished and I remembered your words… you always used to say, that the way we present ourself, or think about ourself, creates the vibration. Think good about self, respect and care yourself, then see, all will reciprocate the same way…

I came down thinking about the forgotten inspirational words of yours, and smiling by the thought that the Airhostess also says the same in the flight… to put on your oxygen mask first to save others…

It all depends on you…how much you open up to put your best foot forward…

भीगा सुरज

वो गीले पांव से सूरज उतरा,
सांझ ढले, बारिश में निथरा,
विस्मित सा मैं, सोचने ठहरा,
याद आ गया, तुम्हारा वो सलोना संजीदः चेहरा।।


16 Comments Add yours

  1. rajesh dhamge says:

    I would require some time to decrypt……the prologue and poetry are bit puzzling like jigsaw puzzle… cause simple straight meanings are not leading to something commensurate with what has been scribbled introduction….

    But 1 thing can b concluded… if at all there’s an exuberant presence….. the proximity gets also contagious with a sparkle….

    Give me more time but

    Liked by 1 person

    1. sutapa says:

      Thank you😀😀


  2. Rajan Michael says:

    Do good to others the good will return to back to you in three fold automatically.
    Well written Bheega Suraj poem
    Keep it up 👍
    God bless you abundantly 🙏

    Liked by 1 person

    1. sutapa says:

      Thank you🙂


    1. sutapa says:

      Thank you🙂


  3. Supriya says:

    A true will will power …One can see the beauty in sunset also… moreover self motivation the biggest instrument of life… Beautiful lines ma’am..Keep it up God bless u ma’am 💐👍💐

    Liked by 1 person

    1. sutapa says:

      Thank you🙂


    1. sutapa says:

      Thank you🙂


  4. aruna3 says:

    Most beautifully written….

    Liked by 1 person

    1. sutapa says:

      Thank you🙂


      1. aruna3 says:

        Most welcome,dear😊

        Liked by 1 person

  5. wjwingrove97 says:

    beautiful and affecting…take care

    Liked by 1 person

    1. sutapa says:

      Thank you🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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